Thursday, January 8, 2009


Milk Stunt

Team Smithereen, the new stunt puppet show from Dan Clark/Wildbrain/Jetix Europe isn't confined to the green screen stage. Many of the puppet's death defying stunts are performed on location. In this shot, prop master/production designer Lisa Coto drives a remote control stunt vehicle on location at a Southern California dairy farm.

Milk Stunt

On location at the dairy farm, puppet captain/director/puppeteer Sean Johnson, puppeteer Russ Walko, and Brave Little Francis escape the heat of the day by resting in the shade of hay bales.

Milk Stunt

Moooo moooooo momo mooom moooo. Team Smithereen mooo moo cow mooomoooo, moo mo moo mooo. mooom oo Dan Clark Company/Wildbrain/Jetix Europe moo mooooo mom mooooo.

Milk Stunt

The Team Smithereen crew prepares to shoot a puppet stunt on location at a Southern California dairy farm.

Milk Stunt

Puppet captain/puppeteer/director Sean Johnson and show creator/director Dan Clark after a successful Team Smithereen location shoot.

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